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ANTI FLAG : nouveau single et nouvel album  » 20/20 Vision  » prévu pour le 17 janvier 2020

Le groupe de punk-rock originaire de Pittsburgh, Anti Flag revient avec un nouveau single appelé « Hate Conquers All”.

Ils sortiront leur nouvel album « 20/20 Vision » le 17 janvier 2020 et voici ce qu’ils en disent :

We have actively chosen to not attack Presidents directly, either with album art or songs about certain times in history, because we recognize that the issues we’re dealing with are cyclical,” says bassist Chris #2. “But this record in particular, we kind of said, well fuck that, we need to be on the record in opposition to the policies of Donald Trump and Mike Pence.”

This record is a warning to people holding neofascist ideas or people who are enabling these types of positions, whether you’re outright racist or you’re enabling racism or sexism or homophobia or transphobia,” adds guitarist Justin Sane. “You need to make a choice at this point. What we’ve seen with this White House is that there’s no grey area anymore. »

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